CHRACH17.ZIP 49,329 02-16-95 Cheersoft Anonymous Teleconference v1.7Anonymous Teleconference allows your users toenter a teleconference where nobody reallyknows who is who. Users may choose a uniquealias each time they enter anonymous
teleconference which can be used forwhispering. Optional mode allows sysops tosee who sent messages. Current selling price:$49.00 Contact: Cheersoft Support:908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:908-591-1171
CHRAUT11.ZIP 29,728 04-24-95 Autopost - leave messages to future logons
CHRCHT26.ZIP 53,533 03-28-95 Cheersoft Global Teleconference v2.6 GlobalTeleconference is a full featuredmulti-channel globalized teleconference.Action words included. Users can participatein thirty-six channels simultaneously out of
two billion! Fully configurable. Commandsincluded for sorting channels and listingpublic channels. Current selling price is$49.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRCLA11.ZIP 29,224 02-16-95 Cheersoft Class Switcher by Date v1.1 ClassSwitcher by Date is a utility to switch auser into a class until a certain date. Usesglobal commands and also compresses globalcommand handlers so you may run more globals.
Current price is $39.00 Contact: CheersoftVoice: 908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:908-591-1171
CHRCLR24.ZIP 34,357 04-18-95 Cheersoft Colorific v2.4 Cheersoft Colorificenables you and your users to add simplecolor commands that displays colors to otherusers. Colorific works in the Teleconference,whispers, pages, registries, forums, etc.
Almost anywhere you can use simple \1-\7commands that colorizes your BBS. CurrentPrice: $25
CHRCON1B.ZIP 50,103 02-16-95 Cheersoft's World Conquest v1.0b
CHRDEMOS.ZIP 962,553 05-13-95 All the Cheersoft Demo Programs
CHRGL167.ZIP 97,891 04-10-95 Cheersoft Ultra Globals v1.67 BETA TheULTIMATE Global Commands Package! Close to 70Global Commands! - E-Z (easy) User DefinedUser Lists! - Power Macros! Macros capable ofcalling multiple commands! - All Global's
user listings are now based on TEXT VARIABLES(;#, ;u, ;*1 - ;*5) ... and much more! Thisis a MUST HAVE!!! Bug Fixes in 1.67: -CATASTRO error message 'spr oversize' in LONGMACROs has been corrected - ;# and ;*1 - ;*5
user listings now correctly identify MODULEuser is in Released: 4/10/95
CHRLC114.ZIP 151,268 04-04-95 Lost Caverns, a game your users build as theyplay!
CHRLCK12.ZIP 30,802 05-06-95 Console Lock - Lock the Main Console of yourBBS for Security
CHRMON12.ZIP 33,804 02-22-95 Cheersoft Global Monitor v1.2 Global Monitorallows anyone with a certain key to use theMonitor command from the Remote Sysop Menuand also use the BBS at the same time! Global
Monitor splits the screen in half, with thetop half being monitor, and the second halfbeingn the BBS. Also supports monitoringselected users and users in a certain classor has those that have a certain key. Current
price is $79.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice:908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:908-591-1171
CHRMTM10.ZIP 30,881 02-16-95 Cheersoft's Modem to Modem
CHRNOT20.ZIP 37,486 02-16-95 Cheersoft Not Keys v2.0 Not Keys negates keysin either class or personal keyrings. NotKeys can be set to expire after a number ofdays or set without an expiration date. NotKeys may be assigned to users or to classes.
Current price is $49.00 Contact: CheersoftVoice: 908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:908-591-1171
CHRPAS11.ZIP 31,220 02-16-95 Cheersoft Dual Password Security v1.1 DualPassword Security allos you to give yourusers a set of keys only after they enter asecond password. If your user happens toleave him or herself logged in and someone
else tries to access your bulletin boardthrough his account, you won't have to worryabout that person seeing very sensitiveinformation. Current price is $39.00 Contact:Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRPAY21.ZIP 63,898 02-16-95 Cheersoft Accounting Automation v2.1 Completeaccounting system includes bbs bank accountsfor your users. Full TABS 900 support (both$10 and $25 lines). Software is FREE withoutcredit card validator and only $39 with
(Visa, MC & Amex). Also allows you to makeyour own subscription IDs to sell to yourusers. Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRSYP25.ZIP 34,524 02-16-95 Cheersoft Super Sysop Pager v2.5 Super SysopPager allows you to increases ouravailability by having your digital pagersignal you whwen certain users page sysop andnobody is available on your system to help
them. Supports scheduling system, allowingyou to have different people paged atdifferent times or have hours during whichnobody is pages. Also allows you to restricthow often you are paged. Current price is
CHRTLK22.ZIP 35,752 02-16-95 Cheersoft Chat-Now v2.2 Chat-Now allows yoruusers to split screen chat without leavingthe module they where last in. It uses fullscreen ANSI to display three windows of text.The first two windows are you and the user
you are chatting with while the third/bottomwindow is the BBS exactly where you left off.It also allows full use of that module with asimple tab keystroke to switch betweenwindows. It also has special Sysop commands
which includes a forced chat module. Currentprice is $125.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice:908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:908-591-1171
CHRTRA13.ZIP 32,592 02-16-95 Cheersoft Credit Exchange v1.3 CreditExchange allows you to set a rate at whichusers may exchange days from each class intocreditx. Credit Exchange also allows you toset and amount of credits required for a user
in a particular class to purchase anadditional day. Current price is $39.00Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171